My brother Art has been immortilized in a work of art! Elda Stilletto of the punk band The Stillettos has painted a portrait of Art, aka "Audie". This is amazing to me. I mean, Elda Stilletto started the band The Stillettos, a key player in the punk rock beginnings here in the US. She hung around with Andy Warhol for cryin' out loud!
The Stillettos, founded by Elda Stilletto back in the days of Max's Kansas City, have a glorious and notorious alumni including Debbie Harry and Chris Stein of Blondie, Dead Boy Cheetah Chrome, Heartbreakers, Walter Lure and Billy Rath, and those Manic Panic girls, Tish and Snooky. As for the 'greats' who just couldn't sit down when attending a Stilletto's gig and had to join them on stage the list includes: Johnny Thunders, Lenny Kaye, Robert Fripp, Ronnie Spector, Rick Danko and Genya Raven. http://www.thestillettos.com/
I'm always very proud of my big brother, he's an amazing guy. I love this portrait and it's especially cool that it's been completed so shortly after the closing of the punk rock holy ground, CBGB.
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