A man was trampled to death while working at Wal-Mart. This poor guy had the unfortunate task of having to open the doors the morning of 'Black Friday'. There was such a commotion the metal door frames were crumpled in as the bargain-hungry mob pushed towards the door. Once the floodgate opened, a temporary worker named Jdimytai Damour caught the brunt of it.
Three other people, at this location alone, were injured including a woman 8 months pregnant. 8 months pregnant? Why would someone in that condition be out in that chaos in the first place? Here's the best part...although injured, the woman continued shopping then went to the hospital for treatment.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Christmas meant to celebrate the birth of Jesus? Surely some individuals in this mob are Christians or members of some religious sect. So to celebrate this miracle, these holy deal-desperate consumers are out before sunrise and have no trouble stomping a man to death to get what they want. The news reported that after he was trampled and it was announced that the injury would result in the store's closing for an undetermined amount of time, shoppers were quite irritated and continued to finish their quest for the perfect gifts. While the EMT's were trying to save the dying man, people continued to rush by him, in and out of the store, without any concern, but with a laser-beam focus on what they were after. Amazing.
This is not the only store in America to have a trampling or fighting customers. I know this type of holiday shopping madness has gone on for many years. People fighting in stores over stuff like Elmo dolls and PlayStations. Try and picture the joy a mother has on Christmas morning watching her chilld open that gift and scream with delight, all the while knowing she got into a full-on fist fight to take that toy from another woman. Is she proud of that? Is that what people consider acceptable behavior?
I'm completely dumbfounded by this social phenomenon. I guess it grows more and more fascinating to me as people are clinging harder and faster to their religious beliefs and are so quick to pass judgement on others all in the good name of God. Once again, it seems to me the majority of religious people are only religious when it suits their immediate needs. Hungry Hungry Hippo-crits.
To me, if we all just followed the Golden Rule, the world would be a better place. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Treat other people the way you want to be treated. It's so simple. That crosses all religious and political barriers. I can't think of any valid argument anyone could possibly come up with to contradict that single theory of human kindness. I believe it's the secret to world peace.
Until then, I guess a part of society's definition of 'normal' will be the American consumer who proudly says "I stomped on a man's face today with my boots and killed him, but I got 30% off this flat screen TV...Happy Birthday Jesus!"
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