Last night was All Hallows Eve. I stayed in with a good bottle of wine, built a nice fire, and ordered a pizza from Joey's. The ultimate trifecta for a primo evening.
I picked up the DVD of Spiderman 3. I enjoyed the first two so I thought this one would be awesome. If you've not seen the movie, READ NO FURTHER!
I loved the movie, the story, special effects, action, all good. However, after a great 2 + hours of Spidey action, we reach the end. Total let down. It was like the last 15 minutes of Old Yeller. All tears and emotion-laden deathbed speeches.
Throughout the film we learn the story of Flint Marko, the Sandman. Defining line, "I'm not a bad man, I've just had bad luck." Although on the wrong side of the law, he's fighting for his adorable daughter, who's dying, so you almost feel sympathy for him and his struggles. He is trying desperately to get the money for the obligatory lifesaving operation...come to think of it we never do learn what her illness is. Then we learn that Flint Marko actually killed Uncle Ben. Now the conflict comes in. It was okay with me when he was stealing to save his dying daughter, but Uncle Ben was killed years ago. So this guy has been 'having bad luck' for quite some time now. At the end, Flint confesses his crime to Peter and explains his reason, holding out the locket with his dying daughter's picture inside, and after a tediously tearful stare, Peter forgives him. Sandman gets his peace of mind, and his sand is scattered to the winds...leaving behind his dying daughter's locket. Peter sees it, stares at it, then swoops down to check on Harry...also dying. Another 10 minutes of goodbyes, sorry's, i love you's, etc. And he's gone. At that point I was pissed. Why not have Peter and Harry become a super team? I really didn't think he was going to die. But again, he has finally achieved peace of mind and enlightenment, so he's outta there. Stan Lee must be a Buddhist.
The best death was Venom, Topher Grace...whom I don't really care for on a good day. So when Venom bites the dust, I actually yelled out "YESSSS!!!"
So MJ and Peter, and Aunt May, live on to fight another day and another host of villains. The questionably noble Sandman wasn't quite turned to the good side, he's dead. Venom...no hope for him, dead. Harry...turned to the good side, but dead.
So now the only sequel options I can come up with at present are:
1. Aunt May accidentally swallows a moth and harnesses the power to regenerate herself over and over by repeatedly pupating into her bullet proof cocoon and emerging as a young and beautiful butterfly, with killer fire-breathing powers, but she still wears Uncle Ben's ring.
2. Peter and MJ have a conflict about his Spiderman powers. He's depressed and wants MJ to lock him in a bathroom with a Raid Fogger to kill off the Spider inside him. MJ wants Peter to bite her and give her the Spidey powers...the family that webs together, etc. The climax would come when their argument reached it's heightened frenzy with Peter yelling at MJ, "FOG ME" and MJ yelling at Peter, "BITE ME!". "FOG ME!!" "BITE ME!!!!"
3. The dying asthmatic daughter of the Sandman decides to avenge her father's killer...Spiderman. She radioactively charges her oxygen tank and she is able to ride it like a witches broom, lighting it on fire for turbo boosts...and she inhales it constantly and it acts as helium making her sound like a deranged munchkin from Wizard of Oz. Her weapon, a locket with her childhood picture, that transforms into a grim-reaper-style sickle...but still with her childhood picture emblazened on the front.
Me, I'll take option 3. C'mon, a deranged munchkin with an oxygen tank that's on fire, wielding a sickle with her childhood picture on it? That's some scary shit.
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