After last night's debates I am ready to back Hillary Clinton in the coming election. My father will undoubtedly disown me after reading this.
It is so refreshing to hear someone in politics speak articulately and with intelligent candor when asked a direct question. My blood boils every time a politician gives one of those canned answers that don't really answer anything. For example, Obama's response to the issuing of driver's licenses to illegal/undocumented immigrants. For me, this is a no-brainer. Americans can't get a driver's license without documentation, why in the world would we give a license so freely to illegal immigrants? Illegal's have it better than Americans. Hillary's response, a concise and simple "No". Obama rambled on with the same jargon they must teach in Politics 101... 'Well there are many things to consider in this issue and I oppose that which is not for the good of the people but will fight that which is considered a danger to our freedom in America', blah blah blah. Wolf Blitzer's response, "Senator this question can be answered with a simple yes or no."
At this point in time, I believe America looks aimless and ignorant. Bush is basically a redneck with a team of speech writers and strategists but has no voice of his own. When he does speak, the entire White House staff must be sitting with fingers crossed just hoping he doesn't say something too far out because they know they'll all be working overtime cleaning up the verbal diarrhea that is Geo Bush. His whole speaking persona is comparable to a defensive child trying to lie his way out of detention. I have ZERO respect for Bush or the current administration. Nada, nil, nothing. A big goose egg of a zero. I believe he is sustaining a needless war which is serving only his, and his team of evil minion's, monetary gain. Bush always runs to the Christian quotes du jour whenever he is pressed, leading middle America to believe he's just a simple man, but a Christian man, so that makes him okay. My parents view Bush like that kid down the street who was always on the wild side and then found Jesus. Now he's a pillar of strength but still has that stand-up-and-fight spirit and a magical elusive Christian mix in there to create some sort of über Christian President...An alleged leader with a simple hometown core belief system who only wants to 'take care of his neighborhood'. What a truck load of horse shit. How naive a nation we are to support and continue to employ this evil and sinister team of two-faced lying politicians. Bush Jr., if you really do believe in Christianity, then you also believe in Hell. So rest assured that for your actions as President you will no doubt be picked up in a fiery stretch limosine and whisked away to your own deluxe private suite at 444.6°C. And when the devil himself is in your ass, elbow deep, with a hot pitch fork, you screaming and crying "AN OLDER BOY TOLD ME TO DO IT!" won't cut the mustard.
I believe this presidency will go down in history as the 8 years that destroyed our nation. I watch the Bush countdown clock with eager anticipation, each second brings us that much closer to the end of a devastatingly damaging era in American History.
So kids, that's my position in the race thus far. Hillary Clinton for President! U-S-A!! U-S-A!!
Sorry Dad. Say hi to Mom for me! :)
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