Is it any wonder the U.S. has lost all credibility in the world as a super power? I hear there is a mad rush of people going to Ellis island to catch the next boat OUT of America.
I actually experience legitimate physical nausea when I hear the voice of George Bush. I do not understand how a man like this was actually elected President of the United States. It boggles the mind! The fact that he was elected twice is probably the most disturbing and frightening event I have ever encountered in my 42 years. To think I live in a country where the majority of people are so unaware and are so easily hoodwinked into believing the ramblings of a snake oil just makes my head hurt.
When I was a kid you would hear proud parents talking about their children saying "That little one could be President one day!" Now I could interview 9 out of 10 children and say "That little one could be President TOday!" Clearly there is no education, reason, or grasp of right and wrong required to take that job. The only training I would deem necessary to complete is potty training. And that's probably negotiable.
C'mon people, ImPEACH! This man has imPEARed our country. He is a worm in America's APPLE. My MELON is swellin' cuz of that LIMEy felon! He has gRAPED our spirits and our dignity. That BANANA is BANANAS! He is a mere FIGment of a president. Let that MAN GO! ORANGE you sick of having a LEMON for a leader? PRUNE that Bush!!! ImPEACH that ROTTEN ASS FRUITCAKE!!!
Okay, I'm PLUM out of fruit jokes.
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