Today I heard one of my all time favorite songs from the 60's by Zager & Evans. To me it's poignant lyrics and haunting melody tell the forboding story of our future. The song is basically a metaphor for man's desperate pursuit of technological and medical advancement which ultimately leads to the implosion of mankind, starting a new chapter in the evolutionary story. Personally, I am not sure it will take as long as the song predicts. While I think that is imminent, Christians supposedly do not believe God will ever 'start over'. The Bible tells the story of Noah and God's disgust of man up to that point, so he flooded all the world and started over...then God swears he will never do that again no matter how corrupt and vile a species man becomes. Even though Christians believe God will 'never do that again', they continue to talk about the 2nd coming and being saved and taken out of here before God destroys the earth and it becomes hell. I don't know, sounds a bit contradictory to me, but nonetheless.
However, all sardonic comments aside, the song is pretty accurate of life and current goals in this day and age. A pill for everything, taken by old and young, men women and children, and computers doing jobs men used to do. Here are the lyrics...
in the year 2525
if man is still alive
if woman can survive
they may find...
in the year 3535
ain't gonna need to tell the truth tell no lies
everything you think do and say
is in the pill you took today
in the year 4545
ain't gonna need your teeth won't need your eyes
you won't find a thing to chew
nobody's gonna look at you
in the year 5555
your arms are hanging limp at your sides
your legs got nothing to do
some machines doing that for you
in the year 6565
ain't gonna need no husband won't need no wife
you'll pick your son pick your daughter too
from the bottom of a long glass tube
in the year 7510
if God's a-comin' he ought to make it by then
maybe he'll look around himself and say
"guess it's time for the Judgement Day"
in the year 8510
God is gonna shake his mighty head
he'll either say "I'm pleased where man has been''
or tear it down and start again
in the year 9595
I'm kinda wondering if man's gonna be alive
he's taken everything this old earth can give
and he ain't put back nothing...
now it's been 10,000 years
man has cried a billion tears
for what he never knew
now man's reign is through
but through the eternal night
the twinkling of starlightso very far away
maybe it's only yesterday...
YEP, I think that about sums it up! And now I probably need to go home and make sure my water-wings are inflated just in case it rains tonight.
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