Friday, June 13, 2008


America. Land of the FREE. The word FREE is a 'homophone' which is a word spelled and pronounced alike but different in meaning. So let's try looking at another definition of the word FREE. What if FREE in this context didn't refer to freedom. What if FREE meant 'at no financial cost'? Consider this hypothetical scenario...

You are no longer required to pay taxes. The government will no longer demand tax payments from the American people. Instead, they will rely completely on donations. Every American can give whatever financial contribution they choose to the government to keep the wheels of the USA rolling. No minimum, no maximum, no dates or deadlines. Now, you aren't allowed to specify where and for what purpose your donation will be used. You're giving the money to your government and trusting they will use it as they see fit, and for the good of all the American people. The government will determine the distribution and use of the donations. Your donation is simply made to the government of the United States of America. Just a free-will donation to the country you love so much. Speculations on participation? Anyone??

I know some of you might say "Well that's not fair, some people wouldn't donate anything yet they would reap all the benefits of my donation!" Well, you're exactly right. And isn't that exactly how it's done today???

Consider this. I am a single man, 43 years old. I rent a condo, I don't own a home. Based on my level of income I am in a very high tax bracket and claim no deductions. I have no control as to where my money is used. I am forced to hand it over and sometimes to pay even more. I see people in debt, in a house they can't afford, mortgaged to the gills, credit cards overflowing, and with several kids. They made those choices. So how is it fair that they are charged less to live in this country than I am? I am paying to sustain their lifestyle yet I have no control over it. How is that FREE? It's not free 'cost-wise' and it sure as hell is not free 'freedom-wise' either.

Now consider this. A soldier essentially 'donates' his LIFE to his country...HIS LIFE!!! He makes the decision to donate his life. He does not have control over where or how his donation will be used. He does not have a say about which American citizens or groups benefit from his donation. He is making his donation to his government trusting they will use it for the good of the American people.

So let's break it down. As Americans we can be trusted to make the decision to donate our lives to our government, but we cannot be trusted to make the decision to donate our money. So does this mean the government values our money over our lives?

America. Land of the FREE. Well that is BULLSHIT...and that word means the same thing no matter how you look at it.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Nowadays some homeowners are walking away from their homes just to get out of their mortgage. I predict the next group will be truck and SUV owners. Since it's so expensive to drive them and the trade-in value is virtually worthless, these gas guzzler owners are faced with quite a conundrum. They're too upside down on their loan to get out of the car, they can't sell it, and they can't afford to drive it. I believe people will either let them be repo'd, or simply abandon them or purposely leave them vulnerable for theft. Then they can collect the insurance and/or just take the repo hit on their credit and go buy an economy car. What will this do to the loan companies and banks? Time will tell. Does anyone else see a depression on the horizon?

Yesterday they were considering a bill taxing the oil companies. The Republicans spoke out against it very strongly. My conspiracy theory...Lobbyists under the umbrella of the Bush administration are offering big bucks to squash any such bill. They are all making money hand over fist at the expense of the American people. Have I made mention today of how much I loathe our government?

That brings up another sore point. How is oil a tradeable commodity??? Oil is a natural resource necessary for the day-to-day function of American life. It's not gold, orange juice, pork bellies, or anything like that. I could get thru the day without gold and orange juice, but oil is something we all rely on...private sector and business alike. The fact that Wall Street traders can drive the price of oil up for a profit at the expense of the entire population is completely illogical to me.