Friday, December 28, 2007

Well, thankfully Christmas has come and gone. I didn't go home to NC since I am going next week for my brother's wedding. No plans for New Years Eve either. It's been quite a dull holiday season for yours truly. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone next week when I visit and having a good face-to-face, um, 'discussion' with my father about the current administration. He loves Bush, hates the Clintons. I am completely the opposite. Should be interesting at the wedding reception when the cocktails start flowing from the always unavoidable open bar. :)

Happy New Year to you all!


Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I am so tired of hearing politicians brag about their religious beliefs...and even more tired of cattle-like Americans who continue to willingly follow that noise all the way to the slaughterhouse.

Who cares if our leaders are religious? Given the behaviour of religious groups I would prefer a leader with no religious ties whatsoever. A leader with a brain not influenced by groups that so proudly encourage the personally defined ethical exhaltation of their members.

Consider the Bible and how many people use the Bible to administer their hatred and judgement on others based solely on the explanation, "Because the Bible says so". I love that argument. Hate and judge because of what it says, and doesn't say, in the Bible. And even better that religionists are allowed to pick and choose the virtues they will battle. So I guess the religionists believe that although God is perfect, he made these calamitous blunders...creating different races, cultures, alternative love interests, etc. Huge mistakes. And now it's up to the religionists to dispense their interpretation of religious justice to anyone outside of the box they so define...based on the magic, and ever changing alleged wisdom, of the Bible. Do you folks really think that's the plan? That's what you take in when you're reading this book? Perhaps a dictionary might prove a wise investment.

In fact, one could argue that the demise of civilization can be blamed on the practice of religion. I think I can say this without fear of successful contradiction; All of us have heard a religious person justify an act or perhaps a statement with "Because it says so in the Bible". That's the religious coup de grĂ¢ce of all arguments. The catch-all phrase that basically says "I'm doing this because God said I should". So with that understanding, how completely mad would it seem to want a person in power who cannot coherently justify his decisions? Who can not validate his actions without the reassurance and security blanket of religion, and without effectively telling the nation 'The Bible said so'. One who acts on what is best for the country and not what is best for the religious country. If I wanted that I would be going to church. Come to think of it, perhaps they should be running for church president! Church leader elections could run a campaign on that platform. Each candidate could get up and speak about "Here is what I believe about God and the Bible". Go ahead and run a campaign on that platform and in that venue all day long. People choosing to follow those particular religious beliefs and seek that particular candidate's leadership could elect to join up and soak in all of the Bible-icious teachings they can ingest. Now that would actually qualify as quintessential freedom of choice...believing what you wish, but not harming or hindering another in the process. Hallelujah!! However, when you're talking about running a country and deciding what's best for the mixed and diverse group that makes up a country, the religious influence grossly limits the sound judgement needed to make decisions that are best for ALL the country.

I personally don't believe in religion. I certainly respect everyone's right to believe what they want, worship however they want, and pray how and to whomever they want. I also believe in my right not to. If God shows up on a ballot, call me. Otherwise, run the country with your brain, not your Bible.


Friday, December 07, 2007


Is it any wonder the U.S. has lost all credibility in the world as a super power? I hear there is a mad rush of people going to Ellis island to catch the next boat OUT of America.

I actually experience legitimate physical nausea when I hear the voice of George Bush. I do not understand how a man like this was actually elected President of the United States. It boggles the mind! The fact that he was elected twice is probably the most disturbing and frightening event I have ever encountered in my 42 years. To think I live in a country where the majority of people are so unaware and are so easily hoodwinked into believing the ramblings of a snake oil just makes my head hurt.

When I was a kid you would hear proud parents talking about their children saying "That little one could be President one day!" Now I could interview 9 out of 10 children and say "That little one could be President TOday!" Clearly there is no education, reason, or grasp of right and wrong required to take that job. The only training I would deem necessary to complete is potty training. And that's probably negotiable.

C'mon people, ImPEACH! This man has imPEARed our country. He is a worm in America's APPLE. My MELON is swellin' cuz of that LIMEy felon! He has gRAPED our spirits and our dignity. That BANANA is BANANAS! He is a mere FIGment of a president. Let that MAN GO! ORANGE you sick of having a LEMON for a leader? PRUNE that Bush!!! ImPEACH that ROTTEN ASS FRUITCAKE!!!

Okay, I'm PLUM out of fruit jokes.


Thursday, December 06, 2007


Gallon of Gas.....$1.29

Pack of Cigarettes.....$1.48

Hanging on to a gas station receipt circa 1991.....Mindless.