Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I am loving this cooler weather. The fleas are going away finally. I am ready to ride the Sledgehammer in subzero temperatures. Because you see, my biking skills are so renegade I literally burn up the street. I actually passed a group of people sitting at the bus stop. As the heat from my firey wheels warmed the frigid crowd I heard one grateful woman exclaim, "Thank you Sledgehammer!!"

True Story.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

CAUTION: Contains naughty language!

Hayden Panettiere PSA: VOTE FOR JOHN MCCAIN!!

I love it. :)


Monday, October 13, 2008

2002 - 2008

My wild child died. I don't feel like writing much about it right now. I will miss him terribly.

Thanks for being in my life buddy. I'll love you forever.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008


My father and I continually trade blows politically. He is conservative right, I am, um, not. Here is a typical back and forth...

My original e-mail:

There is a video circulating showing Sarah Palin getting a blessing from a witchdoctor. MSNBC examines the facts around this clip more closely, and goes more in depth about Palin and her unorthodox church. In this clip, she gives a testimony glorifying Pastor Muthee, the witchdoctor, and calls him 'bold' for telling God to appoint her governor.

It is so absolutely unbelievable that this woman is on the ballot and even more alarming that she could potentially have access to the country's nuclear codes. And that's NUCLEAR Ms Palin, not NUCULAR.



"If you can read this you're not the President."


Dad's Response:

1st - of all the super-liberal left wing bigots, Keith Oberman takes the cake. He has already been down-graded by MSNBC for his extreme hate mongering and it hasn't slowed him down one bit.

2nd - I'm sorry, I just can't stomach the man. He has for years been against republicans, the government before the Demolibs took over, and is verging on dementia of the cerebellum. So I have I have a hard time even listening to him. He is definely not "fair and impartial" like Rush Limbaugh!

The Palin film is a joke and a lot of people are falling for it, especially those who, like the doggies in the back window, don't really think but just sit there and nod and nod and nod and nod. etc.
Let's hear it for CHANGE ................ yeah team. .

Keep 'em coming.



My response:

Wow. I don't know where to start. Keith Oberman aside, I could understand you supporting McCain but to be so passionate about Sarah Palin? That blows my mind. If you watched the video, she is up there praising Pastor Muthee. The film is not a joke, no one has 'fallen' for it, that's her up there on the stage testifying, in broken English, that Pastor Muthee's blessing was instrumental in her being elected Governor. Governor, by the way, of a state with a population of about 700,000. The city of Nashville has a population of 1.2 million.

This ardent support of Palin makes one wonder, could anyone have been wedged into that position and still receive the vehement support of Republicans? Could they have literally chosen anyone at all? Sarah Palin has done nothing significant. She and McCain are not colleagues. She's not a great, or even marginal speaker. She's not published, no one knew who she was. The decision to put her on the ticket was, at best, a desperate one. And yet Republicans are following her around like cattle..."MOO BETCHA"!!

The people who love Sarah Palin are the same bunch who still love George Bush. Of course they're usually in special schools, eating paste, and wearing their underwear on the outside of their pants.

I'll forgive the Rush Limbaugh crack and assume you were running a high fever at the time you scribed your e-mail.

CHANGE is coming!



I lie in wait for Dad's next response. I love this back-and-forth with him. At the end of the day, we laugh about each other's punches and jabs, but to date, neither of us has knocked the other one's block off.

Friday, October 03, 2008


Although I could have a field day commenting on the debate last night, I'll sum it up with a single observation:

I am not that comfortable with a VP that winks at me.