"If we will only allow that, as we progress, we remain unsure, we will leave opportunities for alternatives. We will not become enthusiastic for the fact, the knowledge, the absolute truth of the day, but remain always uncertain... In order to make progress, one must leave the door to the unknown ajar." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dr. Richard P. Feynman (1918-1988)
I am loving this cooler weather. The fleas are going away finally. I am ready to ride the Sledgehammer in subzero temperatures. Because you see, my biking skills are so renegade I literally burn up the street. I actually passed a group of people sitting at the bus stop. As the heat from my firey wheels warmed the frigid crowd I heard one grateful woman exclaim, "Thank you Sledgehammer!!"
CAUTION: Contains naughty language!
Hayden Panettiere PSA: VOTE FOR JOHN MCCAIN!!
I love it. :)
My father and I continually trade blows politically. He is conservative right, I am, um, not. Here is a typical back and forth...
My original e-mail:
There is a video circulating showing Sarah Palin getting a blessing from a witchdoctor. MSNBC examines the facts around this clip more closely, and goes more in depth about Palin and her unorthodox church. In this clip, she gives a testimony glorifying Pastor Muthee, the witchdoctor, and calls him 'bold' for telling God to appoint her governor.
It is so absolutely unbelievable that this woman is on the ballot and even more alarming that she could potentially have access to the country's nuclear codes. And that's NUCLEAR Ms Palin, not NUCULAR.
"If you can read this you're not the President."
Dad's Response:
1st - of all the super-liberal left wing bigots, Keith Oberman takes the cake. He has already been down-graded by MSNBC for his extreme hate mongering and it hasn't slowed him down one bit.
2nd - I'm sorry, I just can't stomach the man. He has for years been against republicans, the government before the Demolibs took over, and is verging on dementia of the cerebellum. So I have I have a hard time even listening to him. He is definely not "fair and impartial" like Rush Limbaugh!
The Palin film is a joke and a lot of people are falling for it, especially those who, like the doggies in the back window, don't really think but just sit there and nod and nod and nod and nod. etc.
Let's hear it for CHANGE ................ yeah team. .
Keep 'em coming.
My response:
Wow. I don't know where to start. Keith Oberman aside, I could understand you supporting McCain but to be so passionate about Sarah Palin? That blows my mind. If you watched the video, she is up there praising Pastor Muthee. The film is not a joke, no one has 'fallen' for it, that's her up there on the stage testifying, in broken English, that Pastor Muthee's blessing was instrumental in her being elected Governor. Governor, by the way, of a state with a population of about 700,000. The city of Nashville has a population of 1.2 million.
This ardent support of Palin makes one wonder, could anyone have been wedged into that position and still receive the vehement support of Republicans? Could they have literally chosen anyone at all? Sarah Palin has done nothing significant. She and McCain are not colleagues. She's not a great, or even marginal speaker. She's not published, no one knew who she was. The decision to put her on the ticket was, at best, a desperate one. And yet Republicans are following her around like cattle..."MOO BETCHA"!!
The people who love Sarah Palin are the same bunch who still love George Bush. Of course they're usually in special schools, eating paste, and wearing their underwear on the outside of their pants.
I'll forgive the Rush Limbaugh crack and assume you were running a high fever at the time you scribed your e-mail.
CHANGE is coming!
I lie in wait for Dad's next response. I love this back-and-forth with him. At the end of the day, we laugh about each other's punches and jabs, but to date, neither of us has knocked the other one's block off.
I am completely against this bail-out. To me, it seems like it allows all these rich people to gamble money without consequence. They made their bed, let them sell that if they need money.
I don't care if someone in debt to their ears can't get a new car loan. If you cannot afford to buy a house, rent a small apartment. I am single, I rent a condo, I have a 10 year old car with 180k miles on it. I don't get ANY tax breaks. I don't have any outstanding loans or mortgages. The fact that some billionaire lost his shirt in the stock market doesn't really panic me. If you were rich and now you're not, go get a job! Find out what it's like for people who work two jobs to make ends meet. Find out what it's like for an elderly person to have to go back to work at McDonalds or WalMart because their Social Security benefits have been cut to shreds.
Do you want to know how to reform Washington? Reform welfare? Fix Wall Street? I have the solution...Let some of the rich people in Washington and on Wall Street become poor and live like the rest of us. That should get the ball rolling. Maybe then we could get some decisions that actually help the lives of people in this country who REALLY need the help.
If you want to watch a bad, bad, BAD movie, I recommend "Can't Stop the Music". It's set in New York in the 70's. I personally love a good bad movie. Not so much to watch, but to crack jokes about. Well this film is a wet-dream of bad cinema.
The cast should sum it up for you...Valerie Perrine, The Village People, a young Steve Guttenberg, and Bruce Jenner, back when he looked like a human. He wears some seriously short jean cut-offs and a pink half-shirt while roaming thru Greenwich Village with The Village People. Even in that get-up I have to say, Bruce was a fox. Why he ever had all that surgery is a mystery to me.
Personally, I advise getting a few friends, order pizza, have a couple of drinks, roll a FAT joint or three, and prepare to laugh your ass off. Fun for the whole family.
Yesterday I picked up my new bike which my sister has named The Sledgehammer. It's really cool and I'm having a blast with it. My neighbors are big into cycling so they helped me out with some good advice on what to look for. They also know all the great trails.
Next up for me is some roller blades. With those I can take Bouncer and run him around on his leash at Centennial Park and the Parthenon. Some quality father/son time. :)
Imagine driving your car underwater one weekend. Getting into a little fender bender. Calling your insurance carrier or going into the body repair shop and explaining, "Well I hit a shark...it just came out of nowhere".
Well, thankfully Christmas has come and gone. I didn't go home to NC since I am going next week for my brother's wedding. No plans for New Years Eve either. It's been quite a dull holiday season for yours truly. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone next week when I visit and having a good face-to-face, um, 'discussion' with my father about the current administration. He loves Bush, hates the Clintons. I am completely the opposite. Should be interesting at the wedding reception when the cocktails start flowing from the always unavoidable open bar. :)
Is it any wonder the U.S. has lost all credibility in the world as a super power? I hear there is a mad rush of people going to Ellis island to catch the next boat OUT of America.
I actually experience legitimate physical nausea when I hear the voice of George Bush. I do not understand how a man like this was actually elected President of the United States. It boggles the mind! The fact that he was elected twice is probably the most disturbing and frightening event I have ever encountered in my 42 years. To think I live in a country where the majority of people are so unaware and are so easily hoodwinked into believing the ramblings of a snake oil salesman...it just makes my head hurt.
When I was a kid you would hear proud parents talking about their children saying "That little one could be President one day!" Now I could interview 9 out of 10 children and say "That little one could be President TOday!" Clearly there is no education, reason, or grasp of right and wrong required to take that job. The only training I would deem necessary to complete is potty training. And that's probably negotiable.
C'mon people, ImPEACH! This man has imPEARed our country. He is a worm in America's APPLE. My MELON is swellin' cuz of that LIMEy felon! He has gRAPED our spirits and our dignity. That BANANA is BANANAS! He is a mere FIGment of a president. Let that MAN GO! ORANGE you sick of having a LEMON for a leader? PRUNE that Bush!!! ImPEACH that ROTTEN ASS FRUITCAKE!!!
Okay, I'm PLUM out of fruit jokes.
However, all sardonic comments aside, the song is pretty accurate of life and current goals in this day and age. A pill for everything, taken by old and young, men women and children, and computers doing jobs men used to do. Here are the lyrics...
in the year 2525
if man is still alive
if woman can survive
they may find...
in the year 3535
ain't gonna need to tell the truth tell no lies
everything you think do and say
is in the pill you took today
in the year 4545
ain't gonna need your teeth won't need your eyes
you won't find a thing to chew
nobody's gonna look at you
in the year 5555
your arms are hanging limp at your sides
your legs got nothing to do
some machines doing that for you
in the year 6565
ain't gonna need no husband won't need no wife
you'll pick your son pick your daughter too
from the bottom of a long glass tube
in the year 7510
if God's a-comin' he ought to make it by then
maybe he'll look around himself and say
"guess it's time for the Judgement Day"
in the year 8510
God is gonna shake his mighty head
he'll either say "I'm pleased where man has been''
or tear it down and start again
in the year 9595
I'm kinda wondering if man's gonna be alive
he's taken everything this old earth can give
and he ain't put back nothing...
now it's been 10,000 years
man has cried a billion tears
for what he never knew
now man's reign is through
but through the eternal night
the twinkling of starlightso very far away
maybe it's only yesterday...
YEP, I think that about sums it up! And now I probably need to go home and make sure my water-wings are inflated just in case it rains tonight.